Yacheng 13 1 Gas Field
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China Oil & Gas Fields
CNOOC Oil & Gas Fields
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Summary Information
- Operator: CNOOC
- Country: China
- Location: South China Sea
- Production start: 1996
- Partners: CNOOC (51 per cent), and Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (49 per cent)
- Type: Gas
- Estimated Reserves: 3-trillion cubic feet of gas
- Production Volume:
- The Yacheng field has estimated reserves of more than 3-trillion cubic feet of gas, making it the largest offshore natural gas producing field in China
- Yacheng 13-4 Gas Field is a satellite
- The gas is mostly transported to Hong Kong through a 480-mile pipeline, the second longest subsea pipeline in the world.
- A second pipeline supplys natural gas to local industries on Hainan Island some 60 miles away.
- HHI: Construction of Wellhead Platform & Pile
- Saipem:
- Yacheng RDPP1 - LQ Jacket
- Gas pipeline installation
- 1983 - Yacheng 13 1 Gas Field discovered
- 1996 - Production start up
- 2004 - BP handed operatorship to its major project partner CNOOC
- 2012 - Yacheng 13-4 Gas Field Starts Production
- 2013 - BP sells stake KUFPEC
- The primary reservoir is the Middle/Late Oligocene Lingshui-3 Member sandstones, which were developed during a major marine transgression in response to the continued opening up of the South China Sea. The thermal subsidence during late syn-rift stage created substantial accommodation space that contributed to the development of overwhelmingly thick succession (over 150 m) of reservoir sandstones with excellent reservoir quality.
- Hyundai Heavy Industries Platform References
- FoundOcean Subsea References
- Saipem Pipeline References
- Sequence Stratigraphic Framework and Reservoir Architecture of the Lingshui-3 Member, Yacheng 13-1 Gas Field, South China Sea
- ARCO, Chinese Leaders Celebrate Startup of China's Largest Offshore Natural Gas Project
- Yacheng 13-4 Gas Field Starts Production Successfully
- BP to Sell Yacheng Gas Field in China to KUFPEC
- KUFPEC To Acquire BP’s interest in the Yacheng Gas Field offshore China
page revision: 10, last edited: 23 Mar 2015 14:33