Volvograd Refinery Project
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Summary Information
- Ownership: Lukoil
- Website:
- List of Lukoil Refineries
- Wiki Page: Volgograd Refinery
- Location: Volvograd, Southern Russia
- Capacity: 11.25 million tons/annum & 225.000 bbl/day
- Nelson Complexity:
- Project Stage: Under Construction
- Expected Completion: 2015
- Budget:
The Project
- Project Type: Upgrade
- Project Summary:
- Construction of delayed coking unit with annual capacity of 1 mln tons (to be commissioned during 2011)
- Construction of a unit for hydrotreatment of diesel fuel by 2011
- Construction of a hydrocracker complex
- Construction of a FCC unit by 2015
- Main Contractors
- Técnicas Reunidas:
- Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) of a hydrocracker complex
- Engineering and supply of the equipment and materials, construction, pre-commissioning as well as support for commissioning of hydrocracker complex
- VNIPIneft won the tender and signed a contract to design the distillation column
- Técnicas Reunidas:
Refining Units
- hydrocracker complex - 3.5 Million tpa
- Delayed Coker - Will replace 2 existing obsolete units
- Fluidised Catalytic Cracker - 1.5 Million tpa
- Diesel Hydrotreatment
Terminal Capacity
- Crude Oil:
- Refined Products:
Crude Supply
- Refines a blend of light West Siberian and Lower Volga crudes
Products Produced
- The project will increase the proportion of light products
- The project will increase the output of Euro-5 diesel fuel by 2,4 million tonnes per year
- 2011 - Tecnicas Reunidas awarded the FEED for the hydrocracker complex
- 2011 - Construction of the delayed coker completed
- 2013 - Técnicas Reunidas awarded EPC contract for the hydrocracker complex
Other Information
- -
Relevant Links
- Oil Refining in Russia. Majors Plan Upgrades to Raise Product Quality
- Técnicas Reunidas awarded a Project in Russia and another in Turkey
- LUKoil finished building a delayed coking unit at the Volgograd Refinery
- Design Installation ELOU-AVT-6 OAO LUKOIL-Volgogradneftepererabotka
- LUKOIL refineries development strategy
- Lukoil Launches A Major Modernization Project At Volgograd Refinery
- Técnicas Reunidas has been awarded a major contract for the Lukoil´s refinery in Volgodgrad, Russia
page revision: 8, last edited: 21 May 2014 12:31