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Upstream News
For More Upstream News
- Glossary of Upstream Terms
- Unconventional Oil And Gas Resources
- Global Floating Production Storage And Offloading Vessels (FPSO)
Decommissioning Approved in 2014
- Renee and Rubie Oil Fields
- Endeavour Energy UK Limited
- Subsea Installations - Removal to shore for recycling/disposal
- Pipelines - Selective Recovery
- Endeavour Energy UK Limited
Decommissioning Approved in 2013
- Miller Oil Field
- BP Exploration (Alpha) Limited
- Large Steel Platform - Footings to remain in place, steel topsides and jacket to top of footings to be removed to shore 2013
- BP Exploration (Alpha) Limited
- Schiehallion Oil Field & Loyal Phase One
- Britoil Limited
- Schiehallion FPSO - Removal for potential re-use
- Pipelines - Recovery where possible. Production flowlines to be left in situ.
- Britoil Limited
- Ivanhoe Rob Roy And Hamish Oil Fields
- Hess limited
- FPSO - Removal for re-use at different location
- Subsea installations - Removal to shore for recycling/disposal
- Pipelines - Selective recovery
- Hess limited
Decommissioning Approved in 2012
- Camelot Gas Fields
- Energy Resource Technology (UK) Limited
- Small Steel Platform Removal to shore for recycling / disposal
- Pipelines - Pipelines decommissioned in situ
- Energy Resource Technology (UK) Limited
- Fife Fergus Flora And Angus Oil Fields
- Hess Limited
- FPSO - Removed for re-use at different location
- Subsea installations - Removal to shore for recycling / disposal
- Pipelines - Full removal of un-trenched pipelines; trenched pipelines decommissioned in situ
- Hess Limited
Decommissioning Approved in 2011
- Don Oil Field
- Britoil Public Limited Company
- Subsea installation - Removal to shore for recycling / disposal
- Pipelines - Decommissioned in situ with selective recovery
- Britoil Public Limited Company
Decommissioning Approved in 2010
- Welland Gas Field
- Perenco UK Limited
- Small Steel Platform - Removal for re-use outside of UK waters
- Pipelines - Decommissioned in situ with selective recovery
- Perenco UK Limited
- Davy Gas Fields - Tristan NW
- Silverstone Energy Limited / Bridge Energy UK Limited
- Subsea installation - Removal to shore for recycling
- Pipelines - Production pipeline with piggy-backed umbilical - leave in situ; jumpers, spool pieces and associated pipeline equipment - remove to shore for re-use or recycling
- Silverstone Energy Limited / Bridge Energy UK Limited
- Shelley Oil Field
- Premier Oil
- Sevan Voyageur FPSO - Tow away for future use at another location
- Manifold and Wellhead - Remove to shore for re-use, recycling or disposal
- Pipelines - Production pipeline - leave in situ; umbilical - remove in sections
- Premier Oil
Decommissioning Approved in 2009
- Kittiwake Oil Field - Kittiwake SAL Export System
- Venture North Sea Oil Limited
- Kittiwake SAL Assembly - removal to shore for re-use. Revision to approved decommissioning programme
- Pipelines - Pipeline - flexible flowline removed to shore for re-use
- Venture North Sea Oil Limited
Decommissioning Approved in 2008
- Frigg UK Gas Pipeline System
- Total E& P UK Limited
- Manifold & Compression Platform (MCP-01)
- Permit granted for the disposal in-situ of the concrete substructure; topsides to be removed to shore for re-use, recycling or disposal
- Total E& P UK Limited
- Kittiwake Oil Field - Kittiwake Loading Buoy
- Venture North Sea Oil Limited
- Exposed Location Single Buoy Mooring System (ELSBM) Removals to shore for recycling or disposal
- Venture North Sea Oil Limited
- Beryl Oil Field - Linnhe
- Mobil North Sea LLC
- Wellhead Protection Structure - Removal to shore.
- Pipelines - Decommissioned in situ; pipeline sections outside trenches removed to shore.
- Mobil North Sea LLC
Decommissioning Approved in 2007
- Indefatigable Gas Field
- Shell U.K. Limited
- 6 x fixed steel platforms - Removal to shore
- Pipelines - 2 x hose bundles removal to shore; 5 x infield + export decommissioned in situ
- Shell U.K. Limited
Decommissioning Approved in 2006
- North West Hutton Oil Field
- Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company - now a subsidiary of BP plc
- Large Steel Platform - Footings to remain in place, steel topsides and jacket to top of footings to be removed to shore
- Pipelines - Decommissioned in situ
- Amoco (U.K.) Exploration Company - now a subsidiary of BP plc
Decommissioning Approved in 2005
Ardmore British American Offshore Limited - Mobile Jack-Up Rig Re-use 2005
Ardmore Ugland Nordic Shipping AS - Single Anchor Loading Systems Re-use/removal to shore 2005
Pipelines Re-use 2005
Ardmore Acorn Oil & Gas Limited - Subsea equipment including guide frame Removal to shore 2005
Decommissioning Approved in 2004
Brent Shell - Brent Flare Removals to shore for recycling and disposal 2004
Beatrice Talisman Energy (UK) Limited - Fixed Steel Platforms Re-use 2004
Decommissioning Approved in 2003
Forbes and Gordon Infield Pipelines BHP Billiton - Infield Pipelines Decommission in situ - retrench any area of pipeline with less than 0.4m depth of cover 2003; close-out report received May 2005
Frigg TP1, QP & CDP1
Close out report Total E&P Norge AS - Treatment Platform 1 (TP1), Quarters Platform (QP) and Concrete Drilling Platform 1 (CDP1) Concrete substructures to remain in place; concrete topsides to be removed to shore; steel installations to be removed to shore; infield pipelines to be removed to shore 2003
Decommissioning Approved in 2002
- Durward and Dauntless Oil Fields
- Amerada Hess
- Pipelines - Decommissioned in situ
- 2002
Hutton Kerr-McGee - Tension Leg Platform Re-use 2002; close-out report received July 2004
Pipelines 1 x removal to shore; 1 x decommissioned in situ (with future monitoring programme) 2002; close-out report received July 2004
Decommissioning Approved in 2001
Camelot CB ExxonMobil - Fixed Steel Platform Re-use or removal to shore for recycling. Revision to approved decommissioning option: removal to shore for dismantling and recycling 2001. Year of revised approval: 2002
Decommissioning Approved in 2000
- Blenheim and Bladon
- Talisman
- FPSO - Re-use 2000
- Pipelines - Removal to shore 2000
- Durward and Dauntless Oil Fields
- Amerada Hess
- FPSO Re-use
- 2000
Subsea Facilities Removal to shore 2000
Maureen and Moira Phillips - Large Steel Gravity Platform Removal to shore for re-use or recycling 2000
Concrete Loading Column Removal to shore for re-use or recycling 2000
Pipelines 2 x removal to shore;1 x decommissioned in situ 2000
Brent Spar Shell - Oil Storage and Loading Facility Re-use as part of quay extension. Revision to approved decommissioning option: Brent Spar Anchor Blocks - removal to shore for reuse, recycling or disposal 1998 Year of revised approval: 2004
Decommissioning Approved in 1998
Donan BP - FPSO Re-use 1998
Fulmar SALM Shell - Single Anchor Leg Mooring Buoy Removal to shore 1998
16” Pipeline Decommissioned in situ 1998
Decommissioning Approved in 1996
Emerald MSR - FPSO Re-use 1996
Pipeline Decommissioned in situ 1996
Frigg FP Elf Norge TotalFinaElf Norge Flare Column Removal to shore 1996
Leman BK Shell - Fixed Steel Platform Removal to shore 1996
Staffa Lasmo - Pipelines Removal to shore 1996
Viking AC, AD, AP & FD Conoco - 4 x Fixed Steel Platform Removal to shore 1996
Decommissioning Approved in 1995
Esmond CP & CW BHP - 2 x Fixed Steel Platform Removal to shore 1995
Gordon BW BHP - Fixed Steel Platform Removal to shore 1995
Decommissioning Approved in 1993
Angus Amerada Hess - Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Vessel Re-use 1993
Forbes AW Hamilton BHP Fixed Steel Platform Removal to shore 1993
Decommissioning Approved in 1992
- Argyll, Duncan and Innes Oil Fields
- Hamilton / BHP
- Floating Production, Facility (FPF) - Removal to shore
- Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM) Buoy - Removal to shore
- Pipelines - Removal to shore
- Hamilton / BHP
- Blair Oil Field
- Sun Oil / AGIP
- Pipelines - 1 x Re-use; 1 x Decommissioned in situ
- Sun Oil / AGIP
Decommissioning Approved in 1991
- Crawford Oil Field
- Hamilton Oil / BHP
- Floating Production, Facility (FPF) - Removal to shore
- Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM) Buoy - Removal to shore
- Subsea Facilities - Removal to shore
- Hamilton Oil / BHP
Decommissioning Approved in 1988
- Piper Oil Field
- Occidental / Talisman
- Piper Alpha Fixed Steel Platform - Toppling
- Occidental / Talisman