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Probably the most exciting project in the world of Oil & Gas. The platform will be the largest ship ever built
- Katy Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- ConocoPhillips UK Limited
- Jacket & Piles and Topsides
- Transportation & Installation of Minimum Facilities Platform Katy (formerly Harrison)
- Block 44/23b of the UK sector of the Southern North Sea
- 2012 Q3
- Clipper South Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- RWE Dea UK
- SNS Limited
- T & I - Clipper South Platform Jacket and Piles
- 2011 Q2
- Clipper South Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- RWE Dea UK
- SNS Limited
- T & I - Clipper South Platform Deck
- 2011 Q3
- Wingate Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Wintershall Noordzee B.V.
- Installation of Wingate Satellite Platform
- 2011 Q3
- Ensign Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Venture North Sea Gas Limited
- Installation of Ensign Minimum Facility Platform
- 2011 Q3
- A and B Blocks Gas Fields Development
- Netherlands
- HSM Offshore B.V.
- Inst. B13 Satellite Platform
- 2011 Q2
- G16a Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- Gaz de France Production Ned.
- Inst. Block G16a-B Platform
- 2011 Q2
- M07 Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- Cirrus Energy Nederland B.V.
- Inst. - M7A Platform
- 2009 Q2
- E17a And E17b Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- GDF Production Nederland BV
- Inst. E17a-A Compressior Platform and K2bA Module
- 2009 Q2
- Katarina Gas Field
- Croatia
- InAgip
- Micoperi Marine Contractors SRL Inst.
- Katarina Platform Deck Structures
- 2006 Q4
- Armada Oil And Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- BG International (CNS) Ltd.
- T & I of Maria Separator Module onto Armada Platform
- 2006 Q3
- Wenlock Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Bluewater Industries Inc.
- Installation of Wenlock Platform
- 2006 Q3
- Markham Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Centrica
- Markham Riser Platform and Chiswick Platform (Optional) - T & I
- 2006 Q3
- Grove Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Newfield Petroleum UK Limited
- T & I - Grove Wellhead Platform
- 2006 Q3
- Garrow and Kilmar Gas Fields
- United Kingdom
- Bluewater Industries Inc.
- Installation of Garrow Platform
- 2006 Q2
- Cavendish Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- RWE Dea UK Development Ltd
- Installation of Minimum Facility Platform for Cavendish Area Development
- 2006 Q2
- Garrow and Kilmar Gas Fields
- United Kingdom
- Bluewater Industries Inc.
- Installation of ATP's Kilmar Platform
- 2005 Q3
- G17c and G17d Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- GDF Production Nederland BV
- T & I - G17-d-AP Production Platform
- 2005 Q3
- K02b Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- GDF Production Nederland BV
- T & I - K2b-A Production Platform
- 2005 Q3
- G16a Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- GDF Production Nederland BV
- T & I - G16-A Wellhead Platform (using ex K12-E topsides)
- 2005 Q3
- G14 and G17b Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- GDF Production Nederland BV
- T & I G14-A Wellhead Platform (using ex K11-B Topsides)
- 2005 Q3
- Munro Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- ConocoPhillips
- SLP Engineering Ltd
- T & I - Munro Platform
- 2005 Q2
- Wren Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Tullow
- SLP Engineering Ltd
- T & I - Horne & Wren Platform
- 2005 Q2
- Saturn Area Gas Fields
- United Kingdom
- ConocoPhillips
- SLP Engineering Ltd
- T & I - Saturn Platform and Loggs PR Separator Vessel
- 2005 Q2
- Q04 Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- Clyde Petroleum Exploratie B.V.
- T & I - Q4C Platform
- 2003 Q3
- Carrack Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Shell
- SLP Engineering Ltd.
- T & I - Carrack QA & Clipper PR Platforms
- 2003 Q3
- K01a Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- Elf Petroland B.V.
- T & I K1A Platform, including design, procurement, construction and load-out of K1A Jacket
- 2001 Q3
- K08 And K11 Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- SLP Engineering Ltd.
- T & I - NAM's K8-1 Accommodation Platform
- 2001 Q3
- K01a Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- TotalFinaElf E & P Nederland B.V.
- T & I - K1A Gas Production Deck
- 2001 Q3
- Q04 Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- Clyde Petroleum Exploratie B.V.
- T & I Q4A Platform
- 2000 Q3
- K4B And K5A Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- Elf Petroland B.V.
- T & I - K4BE Platform
- 2000 Q3
- F15a Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- Elf Petroland
- Mercon Steel Structures B.V.
- T & I - F15-A Compression Module
- 2000 Q3
- L04a Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- Elf Petroland BV
- T & I - L4PN Platform
- 1999 Q3
- Jupiter Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Conoco
- Odebrecht Oil and Gas
- T & I for Europa and Vampire Platforms for the Jupiter Phase II Development
- 1999 Q2
- Bushco Petr. & Energy Services Co. Inst. Wellhead Platform and Deck on adjacent Platform for SNP Petrom S.A. Black Sea, Romania 2001 Q3
- Upetrom T & I T & I of three platforms Black Sea, Romania 1993 Q4
- Viking Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Conoco
- Brown & Root
- Construction of Viking BD Platform Module
- 1998 Q4
- Viking Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Conoco
- T & I Viking ED Platform Module
- 1998 Q4
- ARCO British Limited Constr. Provision of Cranevessel for AR Platform British Sector 1998 Q3
- Waveney Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- ARCO British Limited
- T & I Waveney and Thames AR Minimum Facility Platforms
- 1998 Q3
- Lancelot Complex Gas Fields
- United Kingdom
- Mobil
- SLP Engineering Ltd.
- T & I - Malory Platform
- 1998 Q3
- Brown & Root T & I KD and LD Platforms and Viking BD Module for Conoco Phoenix Field Development British Sector 1998 Q2
- Ekofisk Oil Field
- Norway
- Salv. Stern Ramp lost by pipelay barge LB200
- 1998 Q2
- K4B And K5A Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- Mercon Steel Structures B.V.
- Elf Petroland's
- T & I - K5 EN/C Platform
- 1997 Q3
- K09c Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- Occidental
- T & I - Compressor Module onto K9C-A Platform
- 1997 Q3
- Boulton Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Conoco
- SLP Engineering Ltd.
- T & I - Boulton Platform
- 1997 Q3
- Bladon Oil Field
- United Kingdom
- ARCO British Ltd.
- Inst. Blenheim Q Field Development Bladon wps
- 1997 Q2
- Durward and Dauntless Oil Fields
- United Kingdom
- Hess
- Bluewater Engineering B.V.
- Misc: 6th Mooring Leg for Glas Dowr FPSO
- 1997 Q2
- Lomond Oil And Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Texaco
- T & I
- Erskine Deck and Lomond Compression Module
- 1997 Q2
- Glas Dowr FPSO
- United Kingdom
- Bluewater
- Heerema Hartlepool
- Installation of Four modules onto Glas Dowr FPSO
- 1997 Q1
- Tyne Gas Field & Trent Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Arco British Ltd.
- T & I Tyne and Trent Platforms
- 1996 Q3
- Saipem S.p.A. Inst. Barbara NW Jacket, Anemone B Deck and Annalisa Jacket with conductors Adriatic Sea 1999 Q2
- Saipem S.p.A Inst. Saipem S.p.A Adriatic Sea 1998 Q2
- Cleeton Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- BP Cleeton Alliance
- T & I Cleeton Compression (CC) Platform
- 1996 Q3
- Caister Murdoch Gas Fields
- United Kingdom
- Conoco (UK) Ltd.
- T & I - CMS-2 Compression Platform and Murdoch Modules and Caissons
- 1996 Q3
- Tiffany Oil Field
- United Kingdom
- SLP Engineering (Teeside) Ltd.
- T & I for the Thelma Manifold Structure
- 1996 Q2
- Lancelot Complex Gas Fields
- United Kingdom
- Mobil
- Brown & Root Highland Fabricators
- T & I - Galahad platform
- 1995 Q3
- Jupiter Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Conoco
- T & I - Ganymede Platform and Jupiter Module onto Loggs
- 1995 Q3
- Hamilton Oil Company Ltd. T & I Rigid Arm onto Oil Storage Barge (OSB) and connection of OSB to CALRAM Buoy for Liverpool Bay Development Irish Sea 1995 Q4
- Hamilton Oil Company Ltd. T & I Composite mooring legs and CALRAM buoy for Liverpool Bay Development Irish Sea 1995 Q3
- Hewett Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Phillips Petroleum Company Ltd.
- T & I Modules for Hewett Bacton Project
- 1995 Q3
- Q01 Oil and Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- Unocal
- T & I - Q1 Gas Compression module onto existing Hoorn platform
- 1995 Q3
- Hamilton Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Hamilton Oil Co. Ltd.
- Misc. - Construction completion activities for Liverpool Bay Development
- 1995 Q2
- Lennox Oil Field
- United Kingdom
- Hamilton Oil Co. Ltd.
- HeereMac v.o.f.
- T & I
- Lennox Platform for Liverpool Bay Development
- 1995 Q2
- Bluewater Engineering B.V. Salv. Turret for Amerada Hess storage tanker Celtic Sea 1994 Q4
- Kahn Scheepvaart B.V. Lift 1400t pressure vessel from ship onto quay Rotterdam Port 1994 Q4
- Clyde Petroleum T & I Q8-B Satellite Platform Dutch Sector 1994 Q3
- K12 Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- Placid International
- T & I - Gas Compression Module onto existing K12-BP platform
- 1994 Q3
- Markham Gas Field
- Netherlands
- Lasmo
- Trafalgar House Engineering Contractors
- T & I - ST-1 platform
- 1994 Q3
- Dutch Ministry of Public Works Salv. Trawler 'Anne Jenny' to shore Dutch Sector 1994 Q2
- Heidrun Oil Field
- Norway
- Conoco
- Norwegian Contractors
- Installation of Four weather decks on top of the Heidrun substructure
- Inshore Lifts
- 1994 Q2
- Europipe I Gas Pipeline
- Germany
- Statoil
- T & I - Three subsea structures for Europipe
- 1994 Q2
- Johnston Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Hamilton Oil Company Ltd.
- T & I - Johnston Wellhead Structure
- 1994 Q1
- Lincolnshire Offshore Gas Gathering System (Loggs)
- United Kingdom
- Conoco
- T & I Loggs platform
- 1993 Q3
- Frigg Gas Field
- Norway
- Elf Aquitaine Norge
- T & I of Three templates on Lille Frigg
- 1993 Q3
- P09c Gas Fields
- Netherlands
- Unocal
- T & I P/9 Horizon platform
- 1993 Q3
- Statfjord Oil And Gas Field
- Norway
- Statoil
- T & I for Six templates and six topside lifts for Statfjord Satellite Project
- 1993 Q2
- Zeepipe Gas Pipeline
- Norway
- Statoil
- T & I Template for Zeepipe pipeline Tie-ins
- 1992 Q3
- Sleipner Gas And Condensate Field
- Norway
- Statoil
- T & I of Two templates for Sleipner Loke project
- 1992 Q3
page revision: 7, last edited: 23 Aug 2015 14:03