Prudhoe Bay Oil And Gas Field
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BP Oil & Gas Fields
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Summary Information
- Operator: BP
- Country: USA
- Location: Alaska
- Production start:
- Partners:
- Type: Oil / Gas
- Estimated Reserves:
- Production Volume:
- Prudhoe Bay remains the largest oil field in North America and ranks among the top 20 oil fields ever discovered worldwide
- There are five satellite fields currently producing and the liquids are processed through the field's main facilities.
- Oil is transported on the Trans Alaska Pipeline System
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- 1968 - Prudhoe Bay Oil And Gas Field discovered
- 1969 - Regular oil production began
- 1997 - The Miscible Injectant Expansion (MIX) project was approved
- 1999 - ARCO, Exxon, Mobil, Phillips Announce Aurora Discovery
- The Prudhoe Oil Pool is defined as the accumulations of oil that are common to and which correlate with the accumulations found in the Atlantic Richfield - Humble Prudhoe Bay State No. 1 well between the depths of 8,110 and 8,680 feet. The Prudhoe Bay, Prudhoe Oil Pool encompasses, in ascending order, the Sadlerochit, Shublik and Sag River Formations.
- The Sadlerochit Formation is Triassic-aged, and it consists of 300 to 600 feet of sandstone and conglomerate. The lower part of the Sadlerochit consists of a basal, prodelta marine unit that grades upward into a marginal marine coastal sequence consisting of interbedded sandstone and shale. The upper part was deposited by rivers and braided streams in a nonmarine alluvial environment. Most of the recoverable reserves of the Sadlerochit occur in these braided stream sediments, where porosity ranges from 20 to 24% and permeability ranges from 300 md to several darcys.
- The Shublik Formation is also Triassic-aged, and it consists of organic- and phosphate-rich sandstone, muddy sandstone, mudstone, silty limestone, and limestone. These sediments were deposited in a low energy marine environment with high biologic productivity. The Sag River Formation consists of a lower sandstone member and an upper shale member. The sandstone member consists of uniform, well-sorted, fine-grained sandstone and siltstone that were deposited within a barrier beach complex.
- The Sag River Formation forms a relatively continuous reservoir over a large part of the Prudhoe Bay Field. The sandstone member thickens from 20’ in the south to about 70’ in the north, and reservoir conditions improve toward the northeast. Porosity and permeability average about 25% and 270 md, respectively. The overlying shale member consists of shale and mudstone. This member thins from about 70’ in the west to about 10’ in the main field area.
page revision: 4, last edited: 22 Jul 2014 13:07