Port Jerome Gravenchon Refinery
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Summary Information

Refining Units

  • Atmospheric Distillation, 260,000
  • Vacuum Distillation
  • Fluidised Catalytic Cracking - 34,000
  • Desulphurisation
  • Sulphur Recovery
  • Lubes Production - 17,000

Terminal Capacity

  • Crude Oil:
  • Refined Products:

Crude Supply

  • -

Products Produced

  • It produces, for the French market, and export the full range of fuels, LPG, petrol and diesel, kerosene and lubricants and specialties.

Ongoing Projects

  • -

Other Information

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  • 2000 - The adjoining refineries of Port Jérôme and Gravenchon were integrated to increase the efficiency of fuel, lube and chemicals refining.
  • 2001 - Foster Wheeler Awarded FEED for the PJ21 project
  • 2002 - Foster Wheeler Awarded engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCm) for the PJ21 project
  • 2004 - Major upgrading project completed, allowing the refinery to meet new EU automotive fuel specifications (Foster Wheeler)

Relevant Links

  1. Foster Wheeler Awarded a Contract by Esso Raffinage France for the $200 Million PJ21 Project
  2. Foster Wheeler Awarded EPCm Phase of PJ21 Project by Esso Raffinage France
  3. Port Jérôme Refinery and Desulphurisation Plant
  4. Exxon Refineries Throughput, Capacity and Utilisation
  5. ESSO Raffinage S.A.F. - PJ21 - Reconfiguration of Raffinerie de Port Jerome

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