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Probably the most exciting project in the world of Oil & Gas. The platform will be the largest ship ever built
Detailed Design
- Miskar Gas Field
- Tunisia
- The Miskar Gas Field is located in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Tunisia. It lies in 62m of water approximately 125km offshore in the Gulf of Gabes.
- The development project included a drilling and production platform linked to a new onshore terminal. A 24-inch export pipeline transmits gas and condensate under wellhead pressure to a new onshore gas plant
- Carrack Gas Field
- UK
- Carrack East Detailed Design
- Shell U.K. Limited (Shell) is planning the development of the remaining small gas opportunities within its Southern North Sea portfolio, spread over both the UK and Dutch sectors.
- The development of these gas prospects is commonly known as the SWEEP Project.
- Low cost subsea system solutions are essential in order to make the development of these gas pockets economically viable
- Auk Oil Field
- UK
- Auk North Detailed Design
- The Auk North field is developed as a direct subsea tie-back to the Talisman-operated Fulmar 'A' platform via a subsea manifold at Auk North, with insulated production pipeline, combined electro-hydraulic/ chemical injection umbilical and power cable to/ from Fulmar.
- The subsea lines tie-in to a new conductor riser assembly located on Fulmar 'A'
- Babbage Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Babbage Field Development Detailed Design
- The Babbage field is located in the north-west of the UK SNS in UK Block 48/2, Licence P456, approximately 80km northeast of Dimlington (Easington).
- The field is in 40-45m of water and is approximately 28km northwest of the BP-operated West Sole WB platform.
- It is planned to develop the field through a North West platform location with the potential for further wells tied-back from the South East of the reservoir or third party fields
- Rita Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Rita Detailed Design
- The Rita development involves a single bilateral subsea horizontal well, tied back to the ConocoPhillips operated Caister Murdoch System (CMS) subsea infrastructure at Hunter via a circa 14 km long, 8-inch NB carbon steel flowline.
- The Hunter wellhead has an existing daisy chaining facility with double valve isolation which allows for tie-in of the production flowline via a tie-in spool
- Saxon Oil Field
- United Kingdom
- Saxon Development Detailed Design
- The Saxon development undertaken in 2006 consisted of two production wells, tied back to an adjacent Drill Centre 8 (DC8) Manifold, and a new infill subsea production well 21/24-TU tied into the existing DC3 Manifold.
- Flexible production and gas lift flowlines and a combined control/ CI umbilical linked the new DC8 Manifold to the existing DC7 Manifold, for onwards transmission to the Triton Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessel via the Pict, Clapham, Guillemot West and Northwest fields infrastructure
- L09a and L09b Gas Fields
- Holland
- L09 Detailed Design
- The development for the L09 Area development consisted of two platforms L09-FA and L09-FB, evacuating well fluids via one pipeline to the existing host facility L09-FF
- Shamrock and Caravel Offshore Gas Fields
- United Kingdom
- Caravel & Shamrock Detailed Design
- Shell Exploration and Production (Shell Expro) undertook the development of the Caravel Area Cluster which is located in the UK Southern North Sea about 115 km north east of Bacton and 10 km west of the UK-Netherlands border
- Pande Gas Field
- Mozambique
- Pande Field Development Project
- Conceptual Design and Consultancy Services of gas gathering network, trunkline and associated process facilities between the Pande Gas Field and a Central Processing Facility (CPF) at Temane
- Babbage Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Babbage Field Development – Preliminary Pipeline Design
- The Babbage field is located in 40-45m of water and has a design life of 25 years as a minimum facility wellhead platform, which will be defined as a normally unmanned installation after the first two years.
- The initial 3 wellheads may be extended to a maximum of 5, and the platform export will be via a wet gas venturi meter into a new 12” 28km carbon steel pipeline, connecting to the existing West Sole Bravo (WSB) 14” subsea tee
- Rita Gas Field
- United Kingdom
- Rita Preliminary Design
- The E.ON Ruhrgas development required a preliminary engineering study to confirm the route, pipeline material selection and detail a specification for procurement of the Long Lead Items (LLIs) to meet the design life of 15 years.
- The engineering study included field development drawings of the pipeline routing, approaches and crossings, wellhead tie-ins and functional specifications to procure LLIs
- Gendalo Gehem Gas Field
- Indonesia
- Feasibility Study for the Gendalo Field - Deepwater (FEED)
- The first phase of the Gendalo Field development project, part of the giant deepwater Gendalo-Gandang gas field complex offshore East Kalimantan Indonesia.
- It is proposed that the Gendalo field will be developed utilising, initially, three drill centres with subsea wells in up to 5500 feet sea water (fsw) tied back to a statically moored Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel in 3700 fsw.
- Processed gas will be exported to the beach
- Puffin
- UK
- Puffin HP/ HT Pipe-in-Pipe Study
- Andrew Palmer & Associates were contracted by Shell to perform an evaluation of proprietary and generic pipe-in-pipe insulation systems for HP/HT service, using the Puffin export line as a case study
- Brae Complex Oil And Gas Fields
- UK
- East Brae Devenick
- Marathon Oil (UK) Limited are currently developing the East Brae facility to allow the tie-back of the BP Devenick Development. Andrew Palmer & Associates, the offshore division of the Penspen Group, has been awarded the FEED for this project.
- UK, Holland
- Shell U.K. Limited (Shell) is planning the development of the remaining small gas opportunities within its Southern North Sea portfolio, spread over both the UK and Dutch sectors.
- The development of these gas prospects is commonly known as the SWEEP Project. Low cost subsea system solutions are essential in order to make the development of these gas pockets economically viable
- Auk Oil Field
- UK
- Auk North Riser FEED
- Auk North is a 4 - 6 well step out development using downhole Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESPs) to connect the wellheads via subsea tie in spools to a production manifold and protection structure.
- The manifold includes a test header with multi-phase flowmeter, umbilical termination and control system. The export flowline from the manifold is a subsea tie back terminating at a new caisson riser at the bridge linked Fulmar Advance Drilling (AD) platform
- Burghley Oil Field
- UK
- Burghley Tie-back FEED
- The Burghley development lies approximately 8.5 km to the northeast of the Balmoral Floating Production Vessel (FPV).
- CNR proposed to develop the field by sub-sea tie-back to the existing Balmoral facility, and review of options for the risers at Balmoral was included in the scope of work
- Tweedsmuir Oil And Gas Field
- UK
- Tweedsmuir Development Subsea FEED
- The Tweedsmuir South (J5) field is located some 5km due south of Tweedsmuir.
- For this development, a single production manifold shall be installed at the drill centre location designed to accommodate up to 2 production wells (one initial plus one spare) and allow for the tie-in for a future field development.
- Tieback shall be directly to the Tweedsmuir manifold via a single 8" production pipeline, again comprising of a pipe-in-pipe arrangement
Project Management
- Al Khafji Oil Field
- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait
- Project Management Services for Oil and Gas Related Projects for Khafji and Hout Fields
- Project management of development of crude oil and natural gas pipeline and facilities; new and renovation of the existing
- Balmoral Oil Field
- UK
- B29, Beauly and Balmoral Header Detailed Design
- For the tie-in of well B29 to the Balmoral Template, Well A27 and Beauly Risers had to be removed to facilitate the replacement of the production header. To avoid a lengthy shut-down of A27 and Beauly, Andrew Palmer & Associates devised temporary re-routings of A27 and Beauly production via alternative risers.
- Drawings of available options were prepared and the results of a study led to selection of the best method. Replacement spools for two headers (PAL-1 and PAL-2) on the Balmoral template were also designed
Operations and Maintenance
- Mene Grande
- Venezuela
- Mene Grande Field Operations & Maintenance
- Production Operations & Maintenance Full field Operations and Management for Repsol YPF at Mene Grande, Zulia state, Venezuela
- Atlantis Oil Field
- Atlantis Operations Support Personnel
- GreyStar is providing personnel for the operation and maintenance of the Atlantis Deepwater production facilities.
- Burgos Gas Field
- Mexico
- Burgos Basin Producing Field Northern Mexico
- Project includes the operations and maintenance of the first major concession awarded by PEMEX to a foreign energy company (Repsol YPF).
- Boscán Oil Field
- Venezuela
- Boscan Field Operations & Maintenance
- The Boscan Field Operations and Management is one of the most significant oil field operations in Venezuela.
- GreyStar was originally awarded the operations management contract by Chevron when it was determined that GreyStar is the "best qualified and most reliable contractor in Venezuela".
- Thunder Horse Oil Field
- Thunder Horse
- Provision of personnel for the operation and maintenance of the Thunder Horse Deepwater production facilities.
- Magnolia Oil And Gas Field
- Magnolia, Deep Water
- Provision of personnel for the operation and maintenance of the Magnolia Deepwater production facilities
- Jolliet Oil And Gas Field
- Green Canyon 52 and 184
- Marquette - Provision of personnel for the operation and maintenance of the Green Canyon 52 and 184 production facilities and associated pipelines
- Ursa Oil And Gas Field
- Ursa Pipeline Expansion Project
- GreyStar is providing production operators for the startup and commissioning team
- El Sharara Oil Field
- Libya
- El-Sharara Field, Hamada and Zawia Terminal, Libya
- El -Sharara field is located in the Murzuq Basin in the Libyan desert. GreyStar is responsible for all Technical, Field, Operations support at the Hamada and Zawia Terminal.
- Cayo Arcas, Dos Bocas, Rebombeo
- Mexico
- Cayo Arcas, Dos Bocas, Rebombeo
- Inspection and evaluation of existing onshore and offshore facilities. Preventative and corrective maintenance services for onshore and offshore facilities and associated pipelines across approximately 1,500 kilometers in the Gulf of Mexico and in the states of Tabasco and Campeche.
- Quiriquire Field
- Venezuela
- Quiriquire Field Operations & Maintenance
- Production Operations & Maintenance full field Operations and Management
- Petrozuata Field
- Venezuela
- Petrozuata Field Operations & Maintenance
- GreyStar manages the operations and maintenance of the field production, gathering system, processing plant and electric power generation facilities/distribution system
- Na Kika Oil Field
- NaKika Operational Readiness
- Services include: Operational Readiness; Operations & Maintenance Personnel assigned as integral part of the project design team; access to our experience in high-volume and complex facilities design, maintenance and operation; implementation of the Computerized Maintenance Management System
- Mene Grande Field
- Venezuela
- Mene Grande Field Operations & Maintenance
- Production Operations & Maintenance Full field Operations and Management for Repsol YPF at Mene Grande, Zulia state, Venezuela
page revision: 13, last edited: 23 Oct 2014 08:50