Pdvsa Refineries
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- PDVSA is the Venezuelan State Owned oil company. It has a number of refineries in Venezuela, and holds stakes in refineries around the world
- Paraguana Refinery Complex 956,000 bdp
- Amuay Refinery (CRP) 635,000 bpd
- Bajo Grande Refinery (CRP) 16,000 bpd
- Cardón Refinery (CRP) 305,000 bpd
- El Palito Refinery 130,000 bpd
- Puerto La Cruz Refinery 200,000 bpd
- San Roque Refinery 5,200 bpd
- Upgraders (Extra Heavy Oil Joint Ventures with PDVSA at Jose)
- Ameriven Syncrude Refinery (ConocoPhillips, Chevron Texaco, and PDVSA) 190,000 bpd
- Petrozuata Refinery (ConocoPhillips and PDVSA) 140,000 bpd
- Operadora Cerro Negro (ExxonMobil, Veba Oel, and PDVSA) 120,000 bpd
- Sincor Heavy Crude Upgrader (Total S.A., Statoil, and PDVSA) 180,000 bpd
North America
- Chalmette Refinery, (Exxon JV) 192,500 bbl/day
- Citgo Lake Charles Refinery, (Citgo), 440,000 bbl/day
- Lemont Refinery, (Citgo), 167,000 bbl/day
- Miro Karlsruhe Refinery, Shell/ExxonMobil/PDVSA/BP/Conoco, 320,000 bbl/day
- Schwedt Refinery, Shell, BP, PDVSA, Agip & Total, 240,000 bbl/day
page revision: 8, last edited: 13 Apr 2012 11:59