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Brazil FPSOs
Petrobras FPSOs
Upstream News
For More Upstream News
- Glossary of Upstream Terms
- Unconventional Oil And Gas Resources
- Global Floating Production Storage And Offloading Vessels (FPSO)
Summary Information
- Name: P 76 FPSO
- Field: Franco Sul Oil and Gas Field
- Country: Brazil
- Ownership: Petrobras
- Website: http://www.petrobras.com.br/
- Field Operated By: Petrobras
- Capacity: 180,000 bpd
- Year of Completion:
Brief Description
- The vessel will produce 180,000 barrels of oil and 7 million cubic meters per day of gas
- The vessel is a converted VLCC
- Norberto Odebrecht / UTC Engenharia: Hull conversion
- Technip / Techint: Topside construction and integration, the commissioning and start up assistance
- Aibel: Construction of a total of five modules
- GE Oil & Gas: Supply of gas turbines and electric generators, turbocompression trains and electric motor driven compressors for gas main, export services and CO2 re-injection
- Under construction
- 2012 - Norberto Odebrecht & UTC Engenharia awarded hull conversion contracts
- 2013 - Technip awarded topsides contract
Other Information
- -
- Petrobras signs agreement to convert platform hulls for transfer of rights areas
- GE Oil & Gas Wins US$500 Million Petrobras Contract
- Technip awarded contract for the P-76 FPSO in Brazil
- Petrobas have signed module construction contracts for P-74 and P-76
- New field development project to Aibel
page revision: 4, last edited: 30 Jul 2013 11:33