Omsk Oil Refinery 2020 Upgrade Project
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Summary Information

  • Budget:

The Project

  • Project Type: A major upgrade and rehabilitation project
  • Project Summary:
    • Stage 1:
    • Stage 2: The following facilities will be built at the Omsk Oil Refinery: a CDU/VDU (crude distillation unit/vacuum distillation unit) primary oil refining structure, a delayed coking unit, and an advanced oil processing center.
    • There are also plans to renovate a portion of the refinery's production capacity and off-site facilities.
    • The completion of the new CDU/VDU primary oil refining facility is slated for the end of 2016. Once it is up and running, three previous-generation primary oil processing units will be decommissioned. This ambitious project seeks to renovate the production facilities, increase the operational preparedness, reliability, and safety of operations, and ease environmental impact.
    • Commissioning of the delayed coking unit, which is slated for 2017, will make it possible to increase the oil conversion depth and the light oil products yield.
    • The advanced oil processing center, which will include a vacuum gasoil hydrocracking unit, a sulfur unit, and a hydrogen unit, will be built by 2018. Its commissioning will help raise the production of environmental grade 5 motor fuels and the oil conversion depth.
  • Main Contractors:
    • CB&I: Front end Engineering for the Hydrocracker Complex
    • KBR: PMC services for three new process units and offsites and utilities construction beginning with the front-end engineering and design phase and continuing through EPC, commissioning and start-up.

Refining Units

  • CDU/VDU (crude distillation unit/vacuum distillation unit)
  • delayed coking unit
  • Vacuum gasoil hydrocracking unit, (Chevron Lummus Global)
  • sulfur unit,
  • Hydrogen unit

Terminal Capacity

  • Crude Oil:
  • Refined Products:

Crude Supply

  • -

Products Produced

  • The refinery will increase the yield of low sulphur fuels and decrease the yield of heavy residual products


  • 2012 - The Omsk Oil Refinery completed the first stage of its development program
  • 2013 - 2020 Upgrade Project launched
  • 2014 - KBR awarded PMC contract
  • 2016 - Technip awarded EPC contract for new crude unit

Other Information

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  1. Omsk Refinery begins conversion depth boosting projects
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  4. RusTechnip awarded a significant service contract in Russia
  5. Gazprom Neft’s Omsk Refinery To Become The First In Russia To Begin Commercial Production Of Needle Coke

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