Oil Refineries Wiki

The purpose of this section of the Wiki is to collect in one place, all information concerning refineries, both operating and projects.

  • Meanwhile Global Refinery Projects is a database of new refinery projects and upgrading projects, whatever stage of development they are at.

I also often need to find information on refineries by company, therefore I am going to provide an alternative index of Refining Companies, though the final information will be the same.

This section will also host technical and other information on refining. A Glossary of Petroleum Refining Terms can be found here. An Introduction to Refining section, gives the basics of how refining works.

I will be building a database of Non Conventional Refineries as well, including CTL & GTL plants. We also have a list of Condensate Splitters and Heavy Oil Upgraders

Some of the information has come from The Wikipedia List of Oil Refineries, but that information is very incomplete. It has been augmented by information from a wide variety of sources and is constantly being updated as information is found or becomes available.

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