Nigeria LNG Terminal
Summary Information
- Ownership: Nigeria LNG Limited
- Website:
- Location: Finima, Bonny Island in Rivers State
- Capacity: 22 million tons/annum
Brief Description
- A very large LNG liquefaction terminal with 6 trains
- It requires about 3.5 bcf/d feedgas intake at full production.
- Train 1: 2.9 MTPA
- Train 2: 2.9 MTPA
- Train 3: 2.9 MTPA
- Train 4: 4 MTPA
- Train 5: 4 MTPA
- Train 6: 4 MTPA
Technical Details
- Storage capacity: 3* 84,000 m3
- Licensor: Air Products
- Trains 1&2:
- Saipem, Technip, KBR, JGC: FEED + EPC
- Chiyoda: Train 1&2 - FEED & Acid gas removal
- Train 3:
- Saipem, Technip, KBR, JGC: FEED + EPC
- Trains 4&5:
- Saipem, Technip, KBR, JGC: FEED + EPC
- Train 6:
- Saipem, Technip, KBR, JGC: FEED + EPC
- Train 7:
- Chiyoda:FEED
Ownership Details
- Nigeria LNG is a joint venture company owned by the Federal Republic of Nigeria represented by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Shell Gas B.V, TotalfinaElf and Agip.
- NNPC owns 49% of the shares in Nigeria LNG Limited.
- Shell Gas BV owns 25.6% of the shares in Nigeria LNG Limited
- Total Fina Elf owns 15% the shares in Nigeria LNG Limited
- Agip owns 10.4% of the shares in Nigeria LNG Limited.
- Gas is supplied from a large number of fields including the Akpo Oil Field, Amenam Kpono Oil Field & Ofan Oil And Gas Field
- 1995 - A Final Investment Decision (FID) was signed by the Shareholders to build a Liquefied Natural Gas Plant in Finima, Bonny Island in Rivers State.
- 1995 - A consortium of engineering firms comprising Technip, Snamprogetti, M.V. Kellog and Japan Gas Corporation (TSKJ) was awarded a turnkey Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract for the construction of the Plant, the Gas Transmission System and the Residential Area.
- 1996 - Construction of the plant site commenced
- 1999 - One of the two trains (Train 2) was completed.
- 1999 - Contract awarded for Train 3 to a consortium of JGC Corporation and its associates TECHNIP of France, SNAMPROGETTI of Italy, and Kellogg Brown & Root of the U.S
- 1999 - Production of LNG commenced on September 15.
- 2000 - The second train of the Base Project, Train 1, came on stream on February 27
- 2002 - Train 3 came into operations in November
- 2002 - Agreement signed for construction of trains 4 & 5
- 2004 - Technip, Snamprogetti, KBR and JGC Corporation awarded EPC for train 6
- 2005 - NLNGPlus, comprising Trains 4 and 5, came on stream in November (for Train 4) and February 2006 (for Train 5).
- 2007 - NLNG Six, came on stream in December .
Ongoing Projects
- Plans for building Train 7 that will lift the total production capacity to over 30 MTPA LNG by 2012, are currently at an advanced stage.
Other Information
- The Plant is built on 2.27sq. km of largely reclaimed land in Finima, Bonny Island. It currently has six trains in operation.
- The main elements of the operational plant are:
- Dedicated gas transmission pipelines passing through over 110 communities
- Dedicated gas transmission pipelines passing through over 110 communities
- Three LNG storage tanks with a capacity of 84,200 cubic metres each
- A common fractionation plant to process LPG
- Two Condensate storage tanks with a capacity of 36,000 cubic metres each
- Two 65,000 cubic metre LPG refrigerated tanks (for propane & butane)
- Ten generators with a total capacity of 400 MW
- Two LNG export jetties
- One LPG and Condensate export jetty
- 23 LNG ships dedicated to NLNG service
- Two Materials off-loading jetty
- A residential area covering
- With the completion of the NLNG Six Project, the Nigeria LNG Plant has an overall capacity of some 22 million tonnes per annum of LNG and 4 million tonnes per annum of LPG.
Relevant Links
- Chiyoda LNG References
- Saipem LNG References
- JGC LNG Tank References
- Consortium TSKJ is to Build NLNG's Third Train Expansion Project
- Nigeria: construction of two new gas liquefaction trains
- JGC and Partners Awarded EPC Contract for Sixth LNG Train in Nigeria
page revision: 17, last edited: 20 Aug 2015 06:51