N Kossa Crude
Summary Information
- API: 41.3
- Sulphur Level: 0.06
- Country: Republic of the Congo
- Location: N'Kossa Blend is loaded from the Total-operated Djeno Oil Terminal, which can accommodate Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) loading.
- Source Fields: N'Kossa crude oil is lifted as N'Kossa Blend which is a blend of N Kossa Oil Field crude and Kitina crude oils. The production rate of the contributing fields is approximately 32 thousand barrels per day.
- Cargo Size: The typical cargo size is one million barrels.
- Pricing: Typically, the cargoes are sold with pricing based off Brent (Dated) quotes.
Brief Description
- N'Kossa Blend is a very light sweet crude
Distillation Yields
Product | %wt |
C1 to C4 | 1.15 |
Naphtha | 37.11 |
Kerosene | 11.08 |
Gas Oil | 27.76 |
Atmospheric Residue | 22.92 |
Other Specifications
- Acidity, 0.04 mg KOH/g
- Nickel, 3.35 mg/Kg
- Vanadium, 0.61 mg/Kg
Other Information
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page revision: 9, last edited: 31 Aug 2015 08:58