Montney Formation Gas Field
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Summary Information
- Operator:
- Country: Canada
- Location: BC & Alberta
- Production start:
- Partners:
- Type: Oil & Gas
- Estimated Reserves:
- 12,719 billion m3 (449 Tcf) of marketable natural gas;
- 2,308 million m3 (14,521 million barrels) of marketable natural gas liquids (NGLs); and
- 179 million m3 (1,125 million barrels) of marketable oil.
- Production Volume:
- The formation extends diagonally from northeastern British Columbia into the Peace River arch of northwest Alberta. Analysts peg the formation as potentially one of the largest economically viable resource plays in North America
- Depth: 5,000 to 7,500 feet
- Gas from this formation is going to be used to feed a number of LNG projects in British Colombia
- 2005 - First Well Drilled
- 2013 - NEB releases new estimates of reserves
- The formation is composed of siltstone and dark grey shale, with dolomitic siltstone in the base and fine grained sandstone towards the top. The facies is shaley in the north and west of the extent (Fort St. John), silty in the center (Dawson Creek and Pouce Coupe areas) and becomes coarser (sandy) in western Alberta (Valleyview area).
- Montney Formation is unconformably overlain by Jurassic or Cretaceous beds such as the Doig Formation or Fernie Group and unconformably underlain by the Permian or Carboniferous strata such as the Belloy Formation.
- AltaGas Ltd. Receives Final Approval to Construct Natural Gas Processing Facility in Montney Resource Area
- The Canadian Montney
- Montney Formation one of the Largest Gas Resources in the World, report shows
page revision: 11, last edited: 03 Jul 2014 10:49