Modec FPSOs
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  • MODEC provides Floating Production System operation and maintenance services around the world.


Currently Operated

  1. Cidade de São Paulo MV23 FPSO
  2. Cidade de Angra dos Reis MV22 FPSO
  3. Cidade de Santos MV20 FPSO
  4. Cidade de Niteroi MV18 FPSO
  5. Cidade de Macae MV15 FSO
  6. Cidade de Rio de Janeiro MV14 FPSO
  7. Fluminense FPSO
  8. Kwame Nkrumah MV21 FPSO
  9. Baobab Ivoirien MV10 FPSO
  10. Stybarrow Venture MV16 FPSO
  11. MODEC Venture 11 FPSO
  12. Pyrenees Venture FPSO
  13. Raroa FPSO
  14. Rang Dong MV17 FSO
  15. Song Doc MV19 FPSO
  16. Rong Doi MV12 FSO


  1. Cidade de ITAGUAÌ MV26 FPSO
  2. Cidade de Mangaratiba MV24 FPSO

Previously Operated

  1. MODEC Venture 1 FPSO
  2. FPSO Buffalo Venture
  3. Jasmine Venture MV7 FPSO
  4. MV8 Langsa Venture FPSO
  5. Ruby Princess FPSO
  6. Cuulong MV9 FPSO
  7. FSO Ta'Kuntah


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