Micoperi Offshore Pipeline References
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Prelude Floating LNG Terminal


Probably the most exciting project in the world of Oil & Gas. The platform will be the largest ship ever built


Micoperi has the capability and experience to undertake a very wide range of offshore pipeline related tasks such as:

  • Pipeline design and engineering;
  • Installtion Engineering;
  • Pipe selection and fabrication;
  • Pipe coating;
  • Pipeline launching;
  • Pipeline laying;
  • Spool and riser installation;
  • Shore pull and shallow water solutions;
  • Pre and post lay survey;
  • Pigging, testing and commissioning;
  • Pre-trenching, post-trenching and backfilling.


PMS Egypt Denise-B Development Project: 16” sealine laying Offshore Egypt In progress IETSI

ENI SpA Bonaccia Est Project: Bonaccia-Bonaccia
Est 6” sealine laying, Bonaccia-Bonaccia
Est control umbilical installation Bonaccia Field –
Offshore Ancona (Italy) In progress EIPTSI

  1. Izabela Offshore Gas Field
    • Offshore Croatia
    • ED-INA d.o.o.
    • Izabela Field Development Project - Sealines Laying: Izabela N to Ivana K (16”, 26km long) & Izabela N to Izabela S (10”+3”, 2,97km long)
    • 2010
    • EPI
  2. Mimas And Tethys Gas Fields
    • UK Southern sector of the North Sea
    • Mimas-Thetys Project: Installation of subsea pipeline 10” plus 3” piggy back 17 km long
    • 2007
  3. Cavendish Gas Field
    • UK Southern sector of the North Sea
    • RWE UK
    • Cavendish Project: Installation of subsea pipeline 10” plus 3” piggy back 45 km long
    • 2007
  4. Didon Offshore Oil Field
    • Tunisia
    • SOCO Tunisia
    • Installation of 5”coiled tubing and umbilicals
    • 2006

OPJV Turkey TGPS Turkey to Greece Pipeline System
Project: 36” sealine across Marmara
Sea, 15 Km long Marmara Sea Turkey 2006 IEIC

INAGIP d.o.o. Croatia 18” sealine from Pula to Ivana K ptf. 45 km long Offshore Croatia 2006 IEITSIC

INAGIP d.o.o. Croatia 14” sealine laying between Marica ptf.
and Barbara T2 ptf. – 18.5 km Offshore Croatia 2004 EPIH

GUPCO Trenching diameter. 30’ +3” Port Said - Offshore Egypt 1999 EI

ENI/AGIP 4”+2” Pipeline gas – 6.5 km with spools, hot tapping and trenching Offshore Ortona-Italy September 1998 EFIH

SOTOMAR Gas pipeline crossing Offshore Spain 1994 EI

OMIS BRAC 16” pipe laying in 75 mts water depth Offshore Yugoslavia 1992 EI

PETROBRAS N° 9 6” - 16” pipeline laying 120 mts max. water depth Campos Basin - Brazil October 1988 LE

SARAWAK SHELL BERHAD No. 15 6” to 32” diameter sealines in 86 mts max. water depth Sarawak - Malaysia November 1985 LSTE

ELF ITALIANA SPA No. 2 2” and 8” diameter sea lines for a total length of 30 Kms Adriatic Sea - Italy October 1984 PPLE

O.N.G.C. 37 kms. of 12”, 16” and 18” diameter sea lines at 85 mts water depth Bombay High - India May 1983 PLE

  1. Erawan Gas Field
    • THAILAND - South China Sea
    • Erawan & Baanpot: No. 2 10” and 12” dia. sealines at 70 mts. water depth for a total length of 42 kms
    • August 1983
    • PLE

LTD No. 2 10 & 12” dia .sea lines at 85 mts.
water depth. Total length 73 kms Bombay High - India May 1983 PLE

LTD 12” diameter sea line at 85 mts. water depth Bombay High - India April 1982 PLET

ELF ITALIANA SPA Laying and burial of No. 2 4” and 8” dia.
sealines Adriatic Sea - Italy March 1982 PLET

  1. Bekok Oil And Gas Field
    • Bekok and Tapis Fields - South China Sea
    • sealines 24 kms. total length of 6” to 16” dia.
    • PLE
    • November 1981

O.N.G.C. No. 2 12” dia. sealines at 85 mts. water depth. Total length 16 kms Bombay High - India May 1981 LTE

  1. Rome Refinery
    • Fiumicino - Italy
    • 36” diameter sealine - Total length 6.25 kms
    • March 1981
    • LTE

PETROLEUM 6” - 48” dia. sealines. Total length 60 kms Prinos Field - Greece November 1980 PLSTE


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