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Probably the most exciting project in the world of Oil & Gas. The platform will be the largest ship ever built
- Micoperi has decades of experience in installing structures offshore in all conditions and in providing technical solutions to complex problems. The two main vessels, the M30 and the Seminole both have the capability to install offshore structures, jackets, topsides, modules etc.
- The Company has all the skills and equipment in-house to perform most installation projects without the need for third parties and has the experience to take on a full EPIC contract including the engineering and fabrication in accordance with the clients’ requirements.
- Bonaccia Gas Field
- Italy - Offshore Ancona
- Bonaccia Est Project: installation of 24” dummy leg, 6” riser, 12” J-tube and spools
- In progress
- Izabela Offshore Gas Field
- Offshore Croatia
- ED-INA d.o.o.
- Izabela Field Development Project: Izabela North & Izabela South Platforms Installation
- 2010
- Irina Gas Field, Vesna Gas Field & Ana Gas Field
- Croatia
- INAGIP d.o.o.
- Monopod jackets installation
- 2008
- TI
- Tea-Arnica-Lavanda Gas Fields
- Italy
- Tea - Platform Deck and Helideck Installation
- 2007
- Rospo Mare Oil Field
- Italy
- Alba Marina FSO 8” Flexible Hose Replacement
- 2007
- Cavendish Gas Field
- United Kingdom - Offshore - North Sea Southern Sector
- Cavendish Platform Installation
- 2007
- Katarina Gas Field
- Croatia - Offshore
- INAgip d.o.o
- Katarina Jacket/Deck Installation
- 2006
- I
- Rospo Mare Oil Field
- Italy
- Installation of 2 new conductors and work-over activities on RSM-A ptf.
- 2006
- APISOI SERVICE - Single mooring buoyancy tank , Offshore Adriatic Coast , 2005, EPFIDT
- MADISON OIL TURKEY - Guardian sleeve installation Black Sea 2005 EI
- Marica Gas Field
- Croatia - Offshore
- INAGIP d.o.o.
- Marica and Barbara T2 ptf. SSIV and spools installation
- 2004
- Marica Gas Field
- Croatia - Offshore
- INAGIP d.o.o.
- Marica ptf. deck, helideck and cold vent installation
- 2004
- Ika And Ida Gas Fields
- Croatia - Offshore
- INAGIP d.o.o.
- IDA C monopod jacket installation
- 2004
- Marica Gas Field
- Croatia - Offshore
- INAGIP d.o.o.
- Marica ptf. jacket installation: Conductor pipes - foundation piles boat landing - transition module
- 2003-2004
- Rospo Mare Oil Field
- Italy
- Alba Marina Field sub sea umbilical substitution
- 2003
- HARRIS CO. (U.S.A.) Ocean Net Buoy – 2 risers repair Oristano (Sardinia) – Italy 2002 IEFH
- Vega Oil Field
- Italy
- Clamps and J-tube installation on Vega A ptf.; clamps and risers installation on SPM, Vega Oil tank; flexible pipe laying between Vega A ptf. and Vega Oil tank
- 2002
- IH
- Barbara Gas Field
- Italy
- Mechanical modifications on Barbara F platform after work-over
- Middle Adriatic Sea – Italy
- 2001
- IE
HARRIS CO. - U.S.A. Communication system positioning at 2.175 m water depth Oristano (Sardinia) - Italy 2001 IE
ENI/AGIP SAIPEM Deck and Helideck installation on Naomi-Pandora platform Italy 2001 IH
- Barbara Gas Field
- Italy
- Rigging activities on Barbara F platform to receive FMWR system
- Middle Adriatic Sea – Italy
- 2000
- EI
ENI/AGIP Recovery activities of protection structures on Lavinia 3 underwater well Offshore Crotone - Italy 2000 EI
ENI – SAIPEM INTERMARE SARDA Hook-up of Calpurnia-Clara Est platforms Adriatic Sea - Italy 2000 H
- Ivana Gas Field
- Croatia - Offshore
- Offshore spread hiring (DLB M30 and AHT “Pineto”) for Ivana Field Offshore Installation Project – Phase II
- 2000
- IH
ENI – SAIPEM INTERMARE SARDA Hook-up, electrical and instrumental works on Annalisa and Brenda platforms Middle Adriatic Sea - Italy 2000 EH
- Porto Garibaldi Agostino Gas Field
- Italy - Adriatic Sea
- Recovery activities on Garibaldi C platform structures after work-over
- 2000
- EI
ENI/AGIP Maintenance, improvement and mechanical modification on-offshore structures Ravenna - Italy 1999/2000 EF
ENI/AGIP Dismantling, recovery and removal of no.18 platforms Offshore-Ravenna- Italy 1999 DT
- Ivana Gas Field
- Croatia - Offshore
- INAGIP d.o.o.
- Jacket and Deck Installation on Ivana platform
- 1999
- IH
ENI/AGIP Construction and Installation of
Fabrizia platform Offshore Ortona- Italy 1998 EPFTIH
SAIPEM Platform Installation Offshore Ravenna-Italy 1997 IH
AGIP Dismantling of Offshore Structures Offshore Ortona - Italy 1996 D
AGIP Cranes Removal and Installation on board Offshore Structures Offshore Ortona - Italy 1996 I
ELF IDROCARBURI Coil Tubing Offshore Platform Offshore South Adriatic Sea - Italy 1995 I
POSIDONIA Installation of a 700 tons jacket and 300 tons deck Offshore Pescara Italy November 1995 IHT
AGIP Removal of PCWA - PCWB - RMA -
PC25 platforms Ravenna Oilfield - Italy September 1995 DT
MOLINO ALIMONTI Removal and transportation to quay of a 250 tons steel structure Ortona - Italy August 1995 DT
ELF IDROCARBURI Offshore Heavy Lifting Offshore South Adriatic Sea - Italy 1994 IH
NORSK HYDRO Oseberg 2 topside:
Engineering, transport and installation of M 10 - L 00 - M 20 - COB - M 30 - M40 - M50 - M 60 - FOO modules North Sea - Norway 1987 ETI
NORSK HYDRO Togi Troll East installation:
54 x 35 x 13 mts. template 1,250
M.T. weight
N. 4 48” dia. piles 72 mts long North Sea - Norway 1987 ETI