Medgaz Gas Pipeline

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Summary Information

  • Source: Beni Saf, Algeria
  • Destination: Almería, Spain
  • Ownership: Medgaz
  • Website:
  • Length: 208 kilometres ( miles)
  • Capacity: 8 billion cubic meters per year
  • Status: Operating


  • Consists of a 24 inch nominal diameter, 208 kilometre long offshore pipeline between Beni Saf, Algeria and Almería, in the Spanish coast.
  • The pipeline, has been laid at a maximum water depth of 2,160 meters, and has an initial capacity of 8 billion cubic meters per year.
  • The undersea sections were laid by the Saipem 7000 vessel


  • Saipem: Engineering, procurement, construction and pre-commissioning of a 24 inch nominal diameter, 208 kilometre long offshore pipeline
  • Dresser-Rand: Supply of three high-efficiency DATUM compressor trains


  • 2002 - Total and Sonatrach sign letter of intent
  • 2007 - Saipem awarded an EPIC contract
  • 2008 - 3 people died in an accident whilst laying the pipeline
  • 2011 - The pipeline is completed

Other Information

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  1. Saipem Africa Pipeline References
  2. TotalFinaElf and Sonatrach sign letter of intention for the purchase of natural gas via the Medgaz project
  3. Saipem awarded three new contracts worth in excess of 1 billion euro
  4. Saipem: MEDGAZ Accident
  5. Dresser-Rand DATUM Compression Trains Selected for Europe's MEDGAZ Pipeline Project
  6. Medgaz connects the pipeline to the Spanish gas network

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