Lukoil Refineries
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Lukoil News

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  • Lukoil is one of the world’s leading vertically integrated oil & gas companies. LUKOIL owns significant oil refining capacity both in Russia and abroad. In Russia the company owns four large refineries at Perm, Volgograd, Ukhta and Nizhny Novgorod. Total capacity of LUKOIL facilities in Russia is 45.1 mln tons of oil per year. LUKOIL also has refineries in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, and a 49% stake in ISAB refining complex (island of Sicily, Italy) and a 45% stake in TRN refinery in the Netherlands with total capacity of 26.4 mln tons per year. In 2009 LUKOIL refined 62.70 mln tons of oil at its own refineries, ISAB complex and TRN refinery, including 44.46 mln tons at its Russian refineries.





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