Linos Refinery

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Ukrainian Refineries

TNK-BP Refineries

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Summary Information

Refining Units

  • 2 unitized combination plants (ELOU-AVT-8) for primary oil refining;
  • 2 catalytic reforming plants (L-35/11-10000 and LCh-35/11-1000);
  • 2 diesel fuel hydrofining plants (LCh-24-2000);
  • a plant for producing aviation fuel TC-1 using Mericat II technology;
  • a unit for producing elementary sulfur;
  • a catalytic cracking plant (G-43-107M/1) with MTBE production;
  • a hydrogen-producing unit;
  • an ethylene EP-300 production plant;
  • a polypropylene production plant;
  • a bitumen plant;
  • a gasoline isomerization unit;
  • a thermoelectric plant.

Terminal Capacity

  • Total capacity of 1.3 million cubic meters.

Crude Supply

  • Raw materials are supplied to the Lisichansk Oil Refinery via the Samara—Lisichansk pipeline and by railway transport.

Products Produced

  • clear motor petrol, grades A-80, A-92, A-95, A-98;
  • diesel fuel with sulfur content of up to 0.2%, 0,05% and 50 ppm;
  • winter-grade diesel fuel with sulfur content of up to 0.2%, 0,05% and 0,005%;
  • grade TC-1 jet fuel;
  • furnace fuel oil;
  • polypropylene;
  • liquefied hydrocarbon fuel gas for general consumption, SPBT and BT grades;
  • tar;
  • sulfur in lumps
  • paving and roofing bitumen

Ongoing Projects

  • TNK-BP launched several concurrent projects at LINIK to improve the quality of motor oil.
  • In December they are planning to complete the revamp of the isomerisation at the refinery.
  • As a result, gasoline produced at LINIK will fully meet the requirements of the new regulation that will come into effect in 2011
  • The refinery has been mothballed

Other Information

  • TNK-BP is considering closing the plant down as it is currently loss making.


  • 1976: ELOU-AVT plant #1 began commercial operations and the refinery began its production activity.
  • 1979: ELOU-AVT plant #2 was put into operation; the USSR's largest ethylene-producing plant — EP-300 — was launched.
  • 1980—1987: ELOU-AVT plant #3, catalytic reforming plants #1 and #2, and diesel fuel hydrofining plants # 1 and #2 were put into operation.
  • 1991: Lisichansk Oil Refinery refined a record amount of oil: 23.7 million tons.
  • 1994: Polypropylene production was launched, and the G-43-107M/1 catalytic cracking plant was placed into operation.
  • 1999: Lisichansk Oil Refinery refined the smallest ever amount of oil: 531 291 tons.
  • 2000: The agreement for purchase of 67.41% of shares of LINOS Open Joint Stock Company by Tyumen Oil Company was signed, marking the beginning of a new period of progressive development of the enterprise, the industry and the region.
  • 2001: The MTBE (high-octane petrol additive) production block was placed into operation as part of the catalytic cracking plant. The block's annual capacity totals 40,000 tons. After the block was placed into operation, the production of high-octane benzenes increased and production of A-98 petrol began.
  • 2003: A cleaning plant for the production of aviation fuel TC-1, which uses Mericat II technology, was placed into operation.
  • 2004: A bitumen plant with capacity of 375,000 tons of road and construction bitumen a year was placed into operation. This plant is the only one of its type in Ukraine.
  • 2005: A gasoline isomerization unit was placed into operation.
  • 2006: Lisichansk Oil Refinery became the first enterprise in the Ukrainian oil processing industry which got certified in three international standards: quality management system, health, safety and environment.
  • 2007: Lisichansk Oil Refinery launches production of diesel fuel complying with Euro-4.
  • 2012 - TNK BP announces it is mothballing the refinery

Relevant Links

  1. Refinery Webpage
  2. TNK-BP invests in its Ukrainian refinery to achieve European quality standards
  3. TNK-BP says Ukraine refinery lossmaking, to shut
  4. TNK-BP says Ukraine refinery to stay idle
  5. Orghim Refinery References

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