Limbe Refinery Project
Refinery Projects in Africa
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Summary Information
- Ownership: Sonara (Société Nationale de Raffinage)
- Government of Cameroon (66%)
- TOTAL (18%)
- ExxonMobil Corporation (8%)
- Shell International Ltd (8%)
- Website:
- Wiki Page: Limbe Refinery
- Location: Cape Lemboh Limbe, Cameroon
- Capacity: million tons/annum & bbl/day
- Nelson Complexity:
- Project Stage: Contracts Awarded June 2010
- Expected Completion:
- Budget:
The Project
- Project Type: Expansion & Upgrade
- Project Summary:
- Phase 1 includes the revamp of the existing crude distillation unit, addition of a new vacuum distillation unit, new catalytic reformer unit, and power generation and associated offsites and utilities facilities.
- This project is of significant strategic importance for Cameroon, allowing the Limbé Refinery to process local crude and condensate while increasing processing capacity and improving overall refinery utilization.
- Main Contractors: Foster Wheeler
Refining Units
- Crude distillation unit, Revamp of existing unit
- Vacuum distillation unit,
- Catalytic reformer unit
Terminal Capacity
- Crude Oil:
- Refined Products:
Crude Supply
- Following the upgrade, the refinery will process local crude and condensate rather than imported crude
Products Produced
- -
Other Information
- Sonara oil refinery, will receive 75 billion CFA francs ($164 million) from eight banks to fund its expansion
- The lenders include U.K.-based Standard Chartered Plc (STAN), Societe Generale (GLE) SA’s unit in Cameroon, Lome-based Banque Atlantique and Commercial Bank Cameroon
Relevant Links
- Foster Wheeler Awarded Refinery Upgrade and Modernization Contract for SONARA, Cameroon
- Sonara refinery upgrade in Cameroon
- Cameroon to upgrade oil refinery to run its own crude
- Cameroon’s Sonara Refinery Gets $164 Million for Expansion
page revision: 8, last edited: 29 Sep 2013 08:33