Lima Refinery Upgrade Project
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Summary Information
- Ownership: Husky
- Website:
- Wiki Page: Lima Refinery
- Location: Lima, Ohio, USA
- Capacity: million tons/annum & bbl/day
- Nelson Complexity:
- Project Stage: Planning
- Expected Completion: 2017
- Budget:
The Project
- Project Type: Upgrade of existing refinery
- Project Summary:
- An engineering evaluation has been completed on the reconfiguration of the Lima Refinery that is intended to increase processing capacity of heavier, less costly, crude oil feedstock to enhance margins and increase flexibility in product outputs.
- Implementation of this project on a phased basis is being evaluated to maximize capital spending efficiency and provide a hedge against uncertain market conditions.
- As proposed, the project would increase capacity to 170 mbbls/day crude charge, 105 mbbls/day of which would be heavy crude oil.
- The project is currently on hold pending an improvement in the light/heavy crude oil differential
- Main Contractors
Refining Units
- Replacement of burners for crude and vacuum heaters;
- Metallurgical upgrades in crude, vacuum and coker process units;
- New unheading devices on coke drums allowing improved cycle time and changes to coke handling operations (modified pit/rail car loading);
- New sulfur recovery unit (SRU) and retrofit of existing SRU to enable oxygen enrichment;
- Increased amine and sour water stripping capability;
- Other changes – increased cooling tower water circulation, new decanted oil rail loading, larger emergency acid gas flare.
Terminal Capacity
- Crude Oil:
- Refined Products:
Crude Supply
- When the project is completed, the main source of crude will be the Sunrise Oil Sands Project
Products Produced
- -
- 2013 - EPA awarded draft permit
- 2014 - Final investment decision made
Other Information
- -
Relevant Links
- Draft EPA Permit
- Ohio EPA Hosting Meeting about Lima Refinery Project
- Husky Moves Forward with Heavy Crude Oil Flexibility Project at Lima Refinery
page revision: 7, last edited: 04 Feb 2014 06:56