K4B And K5A Gas Fields
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Netherlands Oil & Gas Fields
Total Oil & Gas Fields
Upstream News
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- Glossary of Upstream Terms
- Unconventional Oil And Gas Resources
- Global Floating Production Storage And Offloading Vessels (FPSO)
Summary Information
- Operator: Total
- Country: Netherlands
- Location: 115 kilometres northwest of Den Helder
- Production start: 1994
- Partners:
- Type: Gas
- Estimated Reserves:
- Production Volume:
- The development consists of the platforms, K5-A - wellhead platform, K5-P - production platform and the K5-D, K5-B, K5-EN-C & K5-PK satellite platforms
- The K5-CU - satellite platform is located in the ajacent K5b block
- The K5F development includes two subsea wells and a 10 kilometre long, 20 cm (8 inch) diameter subsea pipeline which is connected to the K6N satellite platform
- The K4-Z field consists of a 2 well subsea completion, linked to the K5-A platform
- Heerema: K5CU Platform & Jacket
- HSM Offshore:
- K4BE Satellite Platform, Jacket, Living Quarters & Process Modules
- K5PK Jacket
- K5PA, K5PD and K5PP Jackets
- Mercon: K5 EN/C Platform construction
- Seaway Heavy Lifting:
- K4BE Platform transport & installation
- K5 EN/C Platform transport & installation
- FoundOcean: Grouting - K5CU Platform & Jacket & K5A & K5B riser umbilical supports & ramps
- 1974 - The K4-Z field was discovered
- 1994 - K5 A & D platforms installed, production started
- 1997 - K5 EN/C Platform installed
- 2000 - K4BE Platform installed
- 2003 - K5PK Compression Platform installed
- 2008 - K05-F - subsea completion installed
- 2008 - Total acquired Talisman's stake
- 2013 - First gas from K4-Z field
- Platforms Netherlands Continental Shelf
- FoundOcean Europe Subsea References
- Seaway Heavy Lifting Oil And Gas References
- HSM Offshore Platform References
- Saipem Europe Fixed Offshore Production Facilities Project R
- KWsubsea Upheaval Buckling And Out Of Straightness Analysis
- Total develops a new gas field in block K5
- Start-up K5F gas production
- Talisman Energy Sells Non-Core Dutch Assets
- [ Total E&P Nederland Starts Up Production From The Offshore K4-Z Field]
page revision: 21, last edited: 17 Jun 2015 06:16