Gas Licence Areas Netherlands Continental Shelf
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Prelude Floating LNG Terminal


Probably the most exciting project in the world of Oil & Gas. The platform will be the largest ship ever built

  1. A12a
  2. D12a Wintershall
  3. D15
  4. E17a & E17b
  5. E18a
  6. F02a Dana
  7. F03b GDF SUEZ
  8. F15a
  9. F16
  10. G14 & G17b
  11. G16a
  12. G17a GDF SUEZ
  13. G17c & G17d
  14. J03a Total
  15. J03b & J06 Venture
  16. K01a
  17. K02b
  18. K04a
  19. K04b & K05a
  20. K06 & L07
  21. K07
  22. K08 & K11
  23. K09a & K09b GDF SUEZ
  24. K09c
  25. K12
  26. K14 NAM
  27. K15 NAM
  28. K17 NAM
  29. L02 NAM
  30. L04a
  31. L05a
  32. L05b
  33. L06d ATP
  34. L08a Wintershall
  35. L08b Wintershall
  36. L09a & L09b
  37. L10 & L11a
  38. L11b Cirrus
  39. L12b & L15b GDF SUEZ
  40. L13 NAM
  41. M07
  42. P06
  43. P09a & P09b Wintershall
  44. P09c
  45. P09c Wintershall
  46. P11b Dana
  47. P12
  48. P15a & P15b
  49. P15c
  50. P18a
  51. Q01
  52. Q04
  53. Q16a


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