Exploration And Production In Brazil

Production Basins

Santos Basin

  • The largest offshore sedimentary basin in Brazil, ranging for a total area of over 350,000 square kilometers, all the way from Cabo Frio (state of Rio de Janeiro) to Florianopolis (state of Santa Catarina). The first investments in exploration and production studies for this basin date back to the 1970s.

Campos Basin

  • The Campos Basin is the main sedimentary area already explored off the Brazilian coast. It ranges from the outskirts of Vitoria (state of Espírito Santo) to Arraial do Cabo, off the northern coast of Rio de Janeiro, an area or approximately 100,000 square kilometers.
  • It was in this huge open-air laboratory that we tested the main offshore technologies used to develop projects to produce at water depths never before reached in the world.
  • The first field that was discovered with commercial volume in the Campos Basin was Garoupa, in 1974, at a depth of 124 meters. In the following year, Petrobras found the Namorado field, and, in 1976, Enchova. That was the beginning of a long series of discoveries.
  • The path was the sea: on August 13, 1977, offshore commercial production got underway at Enchova, in the Campos Basin.

Espírito Santo Basin

  • The Espírito Santo Basin's main characteristic is diversity.

The occurrence of various types of hydrocarbons onshore, from gas to extra-heavy oil, enables us to anticipate the use of technologies, turning the region into a field-scale laboratory. Initial production dates back to the late 1960s, and important discoveries have been made there since the late 1990s, such as Fazenda Alegre, Inhambu, Cancã, and Jacutinga.

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