Esmeraldas Refinery
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Refineries in Ecuador

Refinery News

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Refining Blog Entries

Summary Information

  • Ownership: Petroecuador
  • Website:
  • Location: the province of Esmeraldas in the northwest of Ecuador
  • Capacity: 5.5 million tons/annum & 110,000 bbl/day
  • Nelson Complexity:
  • Refining Depth:

Brief Description

  • A medium sized refinery of medium complexity. It is the largest refinery in Ecuador

Refining Units

  • Atmospheric Distillation
  • Vacuum Distillation
  • Fluidised Catalytic Cracker
  • CCR Reformer
  • Diesel Desulphurisation
  • Naphtha Desulphurisation
  • Visbreaker - 12,600 * 2
  • Asphalt Unit

Terminal Capacity

  • Crude Oil:
  • Refined Products:

Crude Supply

  • -

Products Produced

  • Gasoline, diesel, kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas LPG), jet fuel, fuel oil No. 4, No. 6 fuel oil, asphalt 80/100 and RC-2, as well as butane, propane and solid sulfur.

Ongoing Projects

  • Ecuador plans to invest $700 million to renovate and modernize the Esmeraldas refinery, the Andean nation's largest refinery by 2013
  • For details see Esmeraldas Refinery Project

Other Information

  • It processes domestic crude


  • 1977 - The refinery began operations with a capacity of 55 600 barrels per day
  • 1987 - An expansion project increased capacity to 90,000 barrels per day. A jet fuel sweetening unit was added and naphtha sweetener revamped
  • 1997 - The refinery expanded its facilities to process 110 000 barrels per day, adapted to process heavier crudes, adding new units to improve fuel quality and minimize environmental impact

Relevant Links

  1. Chiyoda Crude Distillation Units
  2. Chiyoda Vacuum Flasher Vacuum Distillation Units
  3. Chiyoda Visbreaking Units
  4. Chiyoda Sweetening Units
  5. Chiyoda Catalytic Reforming Units
  6. Chiyoda Blown Asphalt Bitumen Units
  7. Chiyoda Naphtha And Middle Distillate Hydrodesulfurization U
  8. Chiyoda H2S Removal Units With Amine
  9. Ecuador to invest $700 mn in refinery upgrade
  10. Chiyoda Corp, Ecuador Projects
  11. Petroecuador Refining

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