Dhirubhai 1 FPSO
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India FPSOs
Aker FPSOs
Upstream News
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- Global Floating Production Storage And Offloading Vessels (FPSO)
Summary Information
- Name: Dhirubhai 1 FPSO
- Field: MA D6 Oil and Gas Field
- Country: India
- Ownership: Aker
- Website: http://www.akerfloatingproduction.com/
- Field Operated By: Reliance
- Capacity: 60,000 bpd
- Year of Completion:
Brief Description
- The conversion of Dhirubhai-1 from the 188,6967 dwt tanker S.T. Polar Alaska encompassed the installation of an internal turret, three units of 5MW steam turbine generators, three units of 5MV gas turbine generators, process facilities for oil production, crude separation and gas compression.
- The FPSO is designed to operate for 10 years without drydocking, and is capable of processing 60,000 barrels of oil per day and 15 million cubic meters of gas per day, with a storage capacity of 1.3 million barrels of oil, and a liquid injection capacity of 80,000 barrels of per day
- Jurong Shipyard: FPSO Conversion
- Inocean: Design
- ABB: Electrical Systems
- Aker: 80m - 21", Reel + 2 x RHHW, Floating hose
- In operation
- 2008 - FPSO conversion completed
Other Information
- -
- ABB FPSO References
- Aker FPSO Pusnes Offloading Systems
- Inocean FPSO References
- Jurong Shipyard Completes Conversion of Dhirubhai-1, India’s First Deepwater FPSO Vessel
- Welaptega awarded mooring inspection in India
page revision: 7, last edited: 30 Oct 2014 14:25