Chennai Refinery
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Summary Information
- Ownership: Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL) (IOC)
- Website:
- List of Indian Oil Company Refineries
- Location: Manali, Chennai
- Capacity: 9.5 million tons/annum & 190.000 bbl/day
- Nelson Complexity:
Brief Description
- The Manali Refinery located at Chennai is a large, complex and integrated refinery
Refining Units
- Thermal Cracker
- Visbreaker
- Hydro-cracker
- Lubes Unit
- Diesel Hydro Desulphurising unit
- Sour Water Stripper
- Amine Treater Unit
- Amine Recovery Unit
- Sulphur Recovery Unit
Terminal Capacity
- Crude Oil:
- Refined Products:
Crude Supply
- This refinery was designed to handle heavy crudes
Products Produced
- CPCL has developed the capacity to meet Bharat-II and Euro-III equivalent environmental standards
Ongoing Projects
- For full details see Chennai Refinery Project
- The refinery is in the process of adding residuum upgrading capability.
- The project involves a delayed coker unit (DCU), a once through hydrocracker revamp, a sulfur recovery unit, a green field coke yard facility, and utilities.
Other Information
- -
- 1969 - Refinery was commissioned by Snamprogetti with 53,000 bpd capacity
- 1986 - The refinery capacity was increased to 110,000 bpd and an FCC added
- 1988 - Asphalt Production Facility started
- 1994 - Expansion of Lube Refinery Units
- 1997 - Wax Hydrofinishing and Wax Deoiling unit added
- 1999 - 1.8 Million TPA DHDS Project commisioned
- 2004 - Refinery expanded by 3 mtpa and Visbreaker commissioned
- 2004 - FCC Unit Revamped
- 2011 - Euro - IV Quality Upgradation Project - DHDT and NHT / ISOM units
Relevant Links
- Refinery Webpage
- Punjlloyd, Visbreaker Unit and Sulphur Block
- Engineers India Refining References
- Punj Lloyd Refining References
- Saipem Grass Roots Refineries
- Saipem Atmospheric Crude Distillation Units
- Saipem Asphalt Bitumen Blowing Unit
- Saipem Atmospheric Gasoil Desulphurisation
- Saipem Residue Conversion Units
- Saipem Visbreaking Units
- Saipem Vacuum Distillation Units
- Saipem Vacuum Gasoil Desulphurisation
- Saipem Sulphur Block Units
- Jacobs Receives Contract from Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited for Manali Refinery
page revision: 22, last edited: 23 Sep 2014 06:32