Bluewater FPSOs
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For More Oil Services News


  • Bluewater owns and operates a fleet of five Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) installations leased to oil companies.
  • Since 1985, Bluewater has leased its FPSO installations to oil companies for the production of their offshore oil and gas fields worldwide.


  1. Uisge Gorm FPSO
  2. Haewene Brim FPSO
  3. Glas Dowr FPSO
  4. Bleo Holm FPSO
  5. Aoka Mizu FPSO
  6. Munin FPSO

Former Bluewater FPSOs

  1. Acqua Blu FPSO
  2. Ayer Biru
  3. Lan Shui


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