Record Australian gas production

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 08 Mar 2011 11:12

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Qatar may be the biggest producer of LNG on the planet, but they have a number of potential rivals, not least Australia.

Increasing global demand for the country’s liquefied natural gas (LNG), together with growth in domestic gas-fired power generation, culminated in Australia setting a new natural gas production record in 2010

This is before they have even really got started with their LNG. There are only two terminals in operation, Darwin LNG Terminal and North West Shelf LNG. However this is set to change massively over the next few years.

I have counted 17 LNG projects in Australia, as follows:

If and when these get up and running, Australia will no doubt become the global LNG leader. With so much LNG floating around, no doubt the world's gas markets will look very different from today.

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