Halliburton Delivers First Shale Fracturing Operation In Poland

abarrelfullabarrelfull wrote on 12 Aug 2010 08:36
Tags: delivers first fracturing halliburton in operation poland shale

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There has been much speculation about how mcuh shale gas there is in Poland, and about how Poland might become self sufficient, but we are very much at the beginning of the whole process of sorting the hype from the reality. So real news on the subject is very welcome.

Halliburton recently performed the first-ever, shale hydraulic fracturing operation in Poland for PGNiG, the state-owned Polish oil and gas company. PGNiG contracted Halliburton to fracture the Markowola-1 exploratory well near Kozienice, Lublin province, to determine if the site contained commercial gas deposits.

So Poland welcomes hydraulic fracturing for the first time. If this and other projects are successful, the impact on the European gas market could be huge.

Update: I have posted PGNIG's earlier report of this in the forum:

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