Alkhalij Oil Field
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Qatar Oil & Gas Fields
Total Oil & Gas Fields
Upstream News
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- Unconventional Oil And Gas Resources
- Global Floating Production Storage And Offloading Vessels (FPSO)
- Known as either Alkhalij Oil Field or Al Khalij Oil Field
Summary Information
- Operator: Total
- Country: Qatar
- Location: Offshore
- Production start: 1997
- Partners: ENI
- Type: Oil
- Estimated Reserves:
- Production Volume:
- Offshore Qatar in water depths of 59 meters
- Al Khalij comprises eight platforms and 52 wells, 40 of which are oil producing
- The platforms are normally unmanned structures
- The oil is exported to Halul island where there are two processing trains
- FoundOcean: Halul Offshore Pipeline Project
- 1991 - Al Khalij field was discovered by Total
- 1997 - Production started
- 2000 - Approval of the full field development plan
- 2002 - Approval of the North development plan announced
- 2002 - Total acquires ENI's share
- 2012 - Qatar Petroleum and Total sign new agreement on Al Khalij oil field for a further 25 years
- Total, Qatar
- Installation Of Barrier Fluid Reservoirs For Mechanical Seals In Halul Pumps
- FoundOcean Middle East Subsea References
- Elf : full field development plan of the Alkhalij field in offshore Qatar
- Qatar : Extension of the development of the Al Khalij field
- TotalFinaElf Raises Interest in Qatar's Al Khalij Field to 100%
- Qatar Petroleum and Total sign new agreement on Al Khalij oil field for a further 25 years
page revision: 6, last edited: 16 Nov 2012 22:03