

I am an extremely busy person, so why should I want to create a site such as this?

I frequently need to locate information on a whole range of topics connected with the oil business. Between us, my colleagues and I must have hundreds of links and report downloads and read thousands of news articles a year.

I wanted a way to organise all of this, and my solution is this site. I will take plenty of time to populate all of its pages, but in doing so I will create a permanent record of all that is important.

I hope that readers for whom the site is of use will join me in the process of development.

What Can You Contribute?

The site is based on a wiki foundation making it extremely flexible and easy to edit. There are a number of ways in which readers can contribute.

The Wiki

The aim is to become a knowledge base about the sector. So any additions that you can make are welcome. If you have found the site useful, then this would be the best way to thank me.

The Forum

Ask questions, indulge in discussions and generally chat about the sector


If you post news to Killajoules, it will also be posted on the news page. Thus we can build up a collaborative Oil, Gas & Energy news site.

If you wish to ask a question, you can either contact me directly, or add it to the FAQ. Please check the FAQ before asking however.

If you are interested in my amateur efforts to make money out of this site, the This blog will be of interest to you

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License